Not a problem – all REE products are ready to be at your event in 72 hours. Check with if the products you like aren’t already fully booked for your day.

REE products are all already performed Acts. We produce new Acts almost every day and they are incorporated into the REE portfolio straight away. Therefore sometimes we haven’t managed our own promo video or professional photo shooting as fast as fast we move a new product to REE. In that case we use mood pictures/videos which describe the Act clearly and genuinely. To be completely transparent, if the Act in your event is not the Act you have bought, you don’t have to pay.

Not a problem. We are incorporating any promotional materials into the costume or a show upon request.

Simply contact Event Entertainment Specialist for the Middle East:

Yes, we have a logistic hub in LONDON that allow us to make your life easier – we do not charge transport and accommodation in cities where we have logistic hubs. Our other logistic hubs, where you can count with free of charge transport and accommodation, are Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau, Hong Kong, Taipei, Lisbon, Berlin, Bratislava, Prague and Vienna. Out of these cities we charge you just a local transport from closest logistic hub and simple accommodation if needed. is a company of NEON holding. Companies in NEON CREATE (in-house), PRODUCE (in-house) and SELL (worldwide with a focus on Asia, Middle East and Europe) event entertainment. In NEON we offer wide entertainment portfolio in these 12 segments: covers all NEON holding products which are READY = already „in the storage“. Thats why REE products are so cost-effective and, very important, time-effective as well. Your feedback on our work is more than welcome. Please, contact us on We know that DETAILS make difference.